Saturday, April 2, 2011

Vahe Hihifo District Atheletics Day - the March Past

For the first time, the kids school, Ocean of Light combined with 3 other local village schools to compete as one group in the district atheletics carnival. With an early start (7.30am) they all lined up for the march past, following the band around the stadium, to finish in front of the VIP box for prayers and a blessing. All up there were about 12 schools competing and it made for a colourful (and long) march past.
Getting ready to go round the track.

The band in action.
Dylan and Ualala.

Good to see some Tongan pride, the only flag at the carnival.

A uniform staple, white socks and shoes.

...or bare feet does just as well.

The best sign of the day.

The best dressed school.

Team line up.

All of the schools assembled.

Heading back to get ready for action.

With military precision, competitors were marched to and from their marshalling areas.

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