Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hannah's Birthday - Cocktails and Dinner

After 2 weeks of planning and trying to keep everything a secret from Hannah it was time for her birthday party - a progressive dinner. We started with cocktails and nibbles at John and Annies for an hour and then onto the Waterfront Restaurant for dinner. All of us swore our kids to secrecy and they held up quite well, even with Hannah trying bribery to get information out of them.

A mohijito for the birthday girl.

The Fab 5 minus Rochelle, who was still in OZ on holiday.

Cocktails at John and Annie's has become quite the tradition with our group of friends, sadly Rochelle and Lyndon didn't make it this time.

If this is how the night starts, goodness knows how it will end, Annie and Jen in celebration mode.

Right, onto dinner we go with the number 38 a prominent theme of the evening.

Sal and Jen.

John and Annie.

Jodie and rugby John.

Dom is our resident speech maker and he didn't disappoint with a lovely tribute to Hannah and friends.

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