Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hanging out

This week (i.e. the week before school holidays) was strangely a quite one for us for a change, only Emily kept herself busy. Dylan was in hiding and didn't want his photo taken at all. He just hung out with the boys doing boy stuff like tennis and football. Meanwhile the girls gathered together for Milla's 7th birthday which was a teddy bears picnic.

Snack time, Milla is the blondie in the front missing her 2 front teeth.

The girls and their teddies.

Evie (Milla's 3 yr old sister) all dressed up to join the fun

Teddy Bear cupcakes for the cake - how cute!

Friday afternoon was the usual dance lesson but Mercy came along to say goodbye as he was heading off on a boating trip to USA as part of a youth program.

Mercy and the girls - Necie, Milla, Jessica and Emily.

We have had all sorts of weather variations over the last week, with beautiful sunny days and then whopping storms come over in a instant, lasting just a few minutes and dissappearing just as quickly.

Managed to catch this strange looking rainbow out at the pool.

Emily couldn't be bothered finding the umbrella so she just got the machetti and chopped off a banana leaf instead - the Tongan unbrella does just as good.

The kids love swimming in the rain - doesn't bother them as they were going to get wet anyway!

We also managed to fit in a farewell umu at Sal's place as his wife Rochelle and their 3 kids were heading back to OZ for a 4 week holiday. Lola and Naomi joined us for the arvo.
Butter wouldn't melt in their mouths - NOT! Emily, Pianni and Naomi

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