Friday, April 29, 2011

ANZAC Day Ceremony

Our second ANZAC day in TONGA was another great day of rememberance and celebration with friends. It all started off with the Dawn service as Lyndon had only just returned from LEP (again) in Oz it was all left up to Mal to organise the days service as we rotate with the Kiwi's. Lyndon had the wreaths and Sam scored the flag. Lyndon should have thought a little harder about it and brought a torch along to assist him in organising them in the right order. In true Tongan style some only turned up seconds before the ceremony started. The event ran very smoothly and after we were all invited back to the Australian High Commissioners residence for a gunshot breakfast out on the front lawn. After lining our stomach's, the boys headed to the Nuku'alofa gentlemens club for a few quiet ales and so on.

Lyndon attempting to read in the dark, not that flash photograhy helps.

Lyndon handing over the wreath to the Australian High Commissioner Mr Thomas Roth.

Taking the salute with the Boss (MSA - Mark) for our defence wreath.

Some of the dignatries, this it truely is a representational posting (L-R, One of the Tongan Nobles, AHC, Tongan Prime Minister, NZHC, Japanese Ambassador)

Our attempt a getting an Arty Sunrise shot with the hats representing the services.

A mix of the Tongan, Ozzy and Kiwi reps.

DCP Tonga all dressed up.

The Quirke tribe and we even managed to get Dylan out of bed early this year.

Tony and Eva. Tony is mixing it up now that he is a local, nice Tepanu.

Gunshot breakfast, the McKee's joined in too.

The first of a few toasts in the Nuku'alofa club. At least this year it was open and we weren't left drinking on the porch like last year maybe next year they may have more than 3 cold beers? You can never rush a good thing and the warm rum's went down a treat anyway.

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