Monday, April 25, 2011

SAVEA - Departure Preparations

With sea trials successfully passed, it was time for the boys to load on their goodies! The Tongan community had generously been looking after them until we were ready to depart. The afternoon before stuff began to arrive and it continued all through the night. Yep everything from toilet paper (which I even packed as we only have John Wayne stuff back in Tonga - Ruff tuff and takes shit off nothing!) through to Fridges, Freezers, Lawn Mowers and even Queen size beds and 3 seater lounges. It was surely a sight to see and it was packed with military precision. Possibly a 24 hr effort by the boys with a few breaks here and there.

The arvo before and the furniture began to arrive.

It continued to arrive too.

This is the steering gear room, see the mowers had already been loaded - well 2 of the 13 we returned with anyway.

It continued throughout the night.

There was something like 1 TV per man too.

This is the next morning as I was checking on access to the steering system which was only accessible to rabbits and small children but accessible it was.

Every nook and cranny was utilised. No we didn't take the little fella in the hold, some of the community had a sleep over and the kids played hide and seek while the boys packed.

Haussia was on community duties and entertainment during the packing prep's.

We soon moved to the focsal for the official departure service , yep and some more Kava.

The crew and most of the Townsville Tongan community.

With the kids closed up it was time to go!! But SAVEA had one more trick for us and we were again delayed by one more day so we continued to pack a few extra things.

Finally packed, TV's took over the beds and the boys slept on the floor or anywhere there was space through out the ship.

With sunrise came another chance to depart so after a final prayer we thought we were off. But SAVEA tried to delay us again, this time with a steering system fault, luckily it was a simple one and we finally left Townsville 2 months late.

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