Monday, August 8, 2011

Tonga Navy Tattoo 2011

After what seems months of practice it was finally time to see the Tattoo. Our first and only one as they are only held every second year. This year the Australian Army Band and the US Marines Band joined in the celebrations and activities. Everyone had a favourite section Em loved the Ozzy band as they did a section where they acted like sheep escaping from a corral and the drummer had to muster them up. The marines did some obstacle courses and mock attack on the enemy. The Navy dressed two Army trucks up like patrol boats and did Navy things (Light Line Transfer and such) then continued with weapons displays and finished off with some modern boxer-cise routine which went down a treat. The Kings Royal guard performed a marching and rifle routine very impressive, spinning throwing, twirling and all. The RDU (Engineers) built a couple of houses in 5min and ran off with them.

Paasi the head electrician taking a well earned break before the show kicks off.

First in best dressed is what they say and we managed good spots in our tent. Nan was very impressed with the seating.

The DCP Princess' Jade, Emily and Georgia with Her Royal Highness in the background.

The King arrived fashionably late and the show began! The kids call his car the Hearse!

The Commander and his men. Brigadier Uta'atu.

These guys shimmied up these poles in seconds and then did these star fish poses on top before scooting straight back down. Blink and you'd miss it.

The flag bearers for the US Marine Corps band. Very precise.

The RDU take off with one of their houses! Apparently in the last tattoo, they stripped a jeep to get across a river and rebuilt it and drove off again.

Can't have a Tongan band section without some traditional dancers.

The crowd screamed when they opened fire (with blanks) Dylan thought it was funny as but that's more than likely because they never aimed at him.

Toward the end the entire TDS came back out and did the Tongan Haka. Chills up the spin stuff!!!

The poor King was up and down all night taking his salutes. The Royal Prince is on this side of him.

They finished it all off with a combined band and singers from each band belting out some tunes.

After the TATTOO some of the American guys took to the streets to entertain the locals. Everyone was having a ball and getting into the groove. They really love their brass bands here in Tonga.

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