Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ali Q's Island Tour Part 1

Finally, a free day to take Nan on a tour of Tongatapu Island. After a late breakfast we began with a quick tour of the foreshore and then headed to the Western side and the main resorts. During the week we were also lucky enough to catch up with Gloria and Ian from White Sands resort and organised for mum to see our favourite little Island escape. When we arrived Priscilla was there and gave us the full tour which included a walk along the beach catching some Kina for her lunch. After multiple stops including several other resorts on the western side, the blow holes and very late lunch at Keleti beach, we ran out of time and headed home after our half island tour.

White sands turned on all it's glory.

Picture perfect after a week of being battered by big seas.

Priscilla and the kids finding some Kina.

Our journey continued and we headed to the most western tip to Abel Tasmans' landing point and found this interesting ladder leading down to the reef.

And Jodie thought she was the only person to have a personal pool table on the Island. Didn't bother the kids that the que was broken and the table was slightly weathered as they were still having a ball.

Some main roads are yet to be sealed but it's all part of the experience.

Dylan loves this one, he calls it "The rainbow church" what else would you call it Nan?

Some more of the interesting locals along the main road.

The "Tree top bar" more like drift wood bar but very quaint.

This is one of the few intact and still standing traditional huts (fale) that we saw on our tour.

Nan at the waters edge at Keleti beach. Did you get the crashing waves Lyndon????

A resort quality table, makes for a long game especially seeing there is no tip on the que.

A Tongan version of BOB Jane's tyre centre.

To end the day of we took Nan past the main gates at the Kings Palace.

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