Monday, August 15, 2011

Back to Island life after Nan's departure.

Introducing the newest compound pet "Pebbles" the baby pig but the kids are sad because she belongs to Karen and Mal.

On the evening of Nan's departure we were invited to the Aust High Commissioner's residence for drinks after the GG departed.

We were also lucky enough to have Nan in town for her Birthday which we celebrated at Reef cafe with Island service and a beautiful cake that Mu and Rochelle had baked. Lyndon's Wellington Boss (Peter Bennett) joined us as he departed on the same flight as Nan.

With batteries fully charged Island style Nan only had one last thing to say "I'll be back!"


Em's class had their yearly Island excursion, so it was look out Tonga. Oh and do we have any parent volunteers to drive them??

There wouldn't be too many museums that still let you touch the exhibits - Em with a Traditional War club.

What Island tour isn't complete without a picnic at the water front?

Hash this week kicked off from the Lagoon, lucky it was high tide so no mozzies. Give the kids water and they just have to throw things in it!

For some reason Jodie was inspired and she ran the entire walk, second time ever. What a girl!!

Rochelle and Jodie snuck to Fafa during the week to have a girly day in celebration of Rochelle's upcoming birthday.

Is this the face of relaxation?

No kids, no washing, no husbands and no running out of wine.


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