Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sunday Church with HM and the Fine 5

It was time for our yearly church service with HM (His Majesty King George Tupo V) and as this is also the Fine 5's church we tagged along so Nan could experience the Tongan service and singing. With the weather continuing to be on the slightly damp side we all met at the Fine 5's to put on our Sunday best and walk to the His Majestys' church. This also included a walk past Sal's famous thong tree which now has another 100 odd additions to it since we last blogged it.

Nan borrowed one of Rochelle's Kiekie for the event.

All we needed now was our umberellas to keep the rain off.

The KIng and Princess in church.

After the service the sun made an apperance for our walk home.

3 of the Fine 5 who went to church. Mo Snr has a direct line to 'the Man upstairs" so he stayed home supervising the umu, Tomasi and Mosese.

Mother and son Tongan style.

Mu and Em best of mates for ever and ever.

Look out here come the Morman's.

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