Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oholei Cultural Night

Finally a free night, so we gathered everyone up and took nan out to see the cultural show at the far end of the Island. Mal and Karen also came along with their kids who are visiting from Oz. It is one of our favourite places - a real traditional Island feel and surroundings. We were initially concerned about the entrance but Ali made short work of it. Luckily she had a few rests along the way to shoot off a couple of photos.

Nearly there Nan.

Even the Bonzi trees in Tonga are big.

Our host for the night, he sang and told stories the entire night. It's a bit of a long night but with constant entertainment it passes so quickly.

It's all organic here from the table cloths to...........

the freshly grown vegies and pu'aka, which also........

includes the banana stem plates. Not so flash if you pick the runny food from the buffet.

After dinner we moved into the Hina cave for the rest of the show. First up were the boys.

Then the girls.

With the finale being fire dancing, Inspector Dylan had to check this one out after the show to make sure it wasn't a trick and that the fire wasn't simply coming out of the sand.

Time delay photos really pay off somtimes.

Nan and the Boss.

This is the view of the resort from the beach. It is rebuilt constantly as it is on the exposed side of the Island and cop's a fare flogging from the cyclones too.

Nan was on such a high she even manged to climb the stairs with a smile.

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