Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ali Q's Island Tour Part 2

With an arvo spare, after the Kings Military Parade, we decided to finish off Nan's Island tour. It's been a while since we've driven the Eastern end of the Island and although Tonga may not have any hills we surely have some big potholes that could be named after valley's as they were that deep and nearly swallowed up the car. Nan was also treated to some of the new China Aid roads which are spread out all over the Island. We dropped into a local beach, Dylan's secret beach, the Ha'amonga, Captain Cooks landing and finished up with a sunset over Nuku'alofa harbour from Tukulonga. This section of the Island is all reclaimed land and the one of the poorest sections of Tonga, not that the kids care that are running around.

Nan at the Ha'amonga

Lesson learnt, when Dylan says secret beach - he means bush bashing!

The kids on Dyl's secret beach. Nan didn't venture down as it was a bit of a climb over sharp rocks, oh yeah she also forgot her repelling gear Dylan, you monkey.

We had just finished telling Nan about the wonders of Tongan vehicles and look what comes down the road.

Nothing like a truck load of kids to keep you entertained on a long slow drive.

Captain Cooks Landing.

Nan's arty Sunset shot with our camera she was becoming quite attached to it by this time.

These pigs even cruise along the shore line at low tide and eat the seaweed.

Can you spot the potty. It turned up last year after Cyclone Rene.

Taking water front views to the extreme at high tide, 360 degree water views bar your driveway.

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