Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sapate Kaime'aka (Sunday feast)

This Sunday saw us invited to the Fine 5's for an entire feast, from preparation of food before church through to the joys of sitting around the table with friends and enjoying lunch,a drink or two and a yarn. Nan asked poor old Sal a million questions, from what was growing in his back yard to all the Tongan names. Nan said she had a sleepless night as she had all these new names running through her head, but you never saw her without a smile the entire day. To make sure we got a few more greens into our kids we also brought around some less Tongan vegies for everyone to enjoy and we also threw in a lamb roast.

Sal and Fahu preparing the coals and Mo Snr (Sal's Dad) preping the vegies, Dyl is supervising.

Fahu (AKA The Rock or The Who) making natural coconut cream for the Lu Pulu.

The heavens opened but that never stops a feast, very similar to what happened at this time last year. Nan was actually checking out the bread fruit tree.

Rochelle, Mu and "The Who" preparing the Lu Pulu. Nan liked it that much that she is going to give it a try back home. Enjoy boys!

Lifting the lid on the umu. If only you could smell, yummo.

The feast ready to head inside. Sal in his Ozzy shirt and Lyndon in his Tonga top what a contrast.

Nan and the newest Tongan Master chef.

Sal even squeezed in a husking demo for Nan, including all the uses of the coconut parts.

Our spread before prayers.

The kids ate in the kitchen and we stayed here, at this table for the next 7 hours.

The Mother daughter tau'olunga (dance), showing Nan how it's done. The kids got $10T fakapale (money reward) and the mum's only $2T, what does that tell you!!!

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