Sunday, August 7, 2011

His Majesties Birthday Military Parade

This years King's Birthday Military Parade was joined by the bands from both the US Marines and the Royal Australian Army. The guest of Honour was Her Excellency the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia, Ms Quentin Bryce and she was given the privilege and honour of inspecting the Kings parade. It is a big occasion for the Tongan Defence Force and they spend considerable time in preparation for this event. Every second year this work load is increased by the addition of the Kings Military Tattoo. Nan was also lucky enough to join us in the stands with front row seats.

The Kings Royal Guard Lead with the Royal Colours.

The three bands joined together for the March past.

The Governor General conducting the Guard inspection.

Nothing like a close up opportunity.

Just a sample of one of the two TDS Navy squads during the march past.

Leading the Navy section.

The Governor General and His Majesty King George Tupou V out the front. Nan couldn't believe how close we actually were to all the action.

The newest DCP- Tonga and our visiting Defence Attache (Boss from Wellington)

CPO Brooker(Sam), LCDR Esler (Ben the new MSA), WGCDR Peter Bennett, MAJ Bishop (Mal) and Me.

You throw in our NZ mate WO1 Graham (Tiny - for obvious reasons) and we're all present and accounted for.

Couldn't miss a family shot with the Kings Day Palace as a backdrop.

Jodie and Karen looking fabulous for the days events.

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