Saturday, August 6, 2011

Guangdong Art Troupe Visits Tonga

A last minute invite from the Chinese Embassy saw us go along to an amazing display by a small visiting Art troupe. They put on a mixture of displays from Dance's, Suona Horn Solo, Martial arts displays, Acrobatics and Cucurbit Flute Solo. Her Royal Highness, The Princess Salote Pilolevu was the guest of honour and like the rest of us, was amazed at the performance. All the kids were amazed by the performers but the Hulla-hoop girl and the masked dancer stood out for Em and Dyl was impressed by the sword routine.

HRH Princess Salote Pivolevu front and centre.

We suspect this was the same troupe that visited the Campbell's in Pohnepi but we had the added addition of lights as theirs was half done by mobile phone light as the power went out before it was due to start.

Between routines there were Tongan displays of dance.

The boys put on a great display of a Tongan dance which shows their stamina and can go on for ages. Luckily this one didn't but they were getting a good sweat up.

This dress was awesome from this to..........

this in a matter of twirls. It appeared that it was stationary too.

Our friend Sia was one of the MC's as he speaks Tongan, English and Chinese. Doesn't mean he can hulla-hoop though.

But this girl surely could.

With one hoop or five.................

Even balancing on her shoulders and mouth piece.

EM thought this one even looked like a slinky.

This Chinese sword master made it look so easy and was all over the stage.

Traditional girls hit the stage but due to the oil dripping off them we had to have a quick break to clean up so no injuries would happen to the visiting dancers.

This girls dance included a constantly changing mask and as fast as she covered her face a new mask would appear.

Apparently there were eight masks in total but we were all flat out trying to work out how she was doing it to even attempt to keep count.

The entire cast including HRH and the Chinese Ambassador.

Sia and the other MC did a great job to keep the show rolling along.

Nan scored well and was given one of the Kahoa's at the end of the night.

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