Thursday, August 11, 2011

Heilala Parade

After thinking that Lyndon had scored the best park for the Kings Parade and after a slightly delayed departure from our previous event he found out why the main street was soooo empty. Straight after the King's Parade was the Heilala Street Parade. Floats and Bands followed by more bands and did I mention we saw some brass bands too? They really do love a good brass band here in Tonga and seeing how every school has one they make every street parade interesting with bigger and better routines.

Lyndon's not so flash park was exceptional for the march past. Even Nan made into the tray. (Police Band in the background)

School band!

One of the traditional handy crafts floats.

Another school band.

Every few hundred yards or so the band stops and does a funky little gig.

Yes, another school band but the uniforms and enthusiasm are great.

Between each float was a.......... schools band.

Here comes the girls favourite float. Mr TONGA competition float.

Great Ozzy green and gold!

Guess who had the camera here? Yep NOT Lyndon.

Lyndon even had people from the floats jumping over to have their photos with him. How bizarre? I guess whats one more clown in a parade?

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