Friday, June 29, 2012

They got us - We already have chickens why not chicks?

After months of trying the kids finally had an arguement that mum couldn't win. Why can't we have baby chickens? We already have big chickens in the yard?? Next thing (like it wasn't already sorted!) Dyl's mate had two ready to go.

How else do you deliver baby chicks but in a beer carton.

Introducing Bubbles and Speedy.

Dad had an afternoons notice to whip up a new chook home. Version two has a heat lamp in it too.

Dylan was on morning patrol, main aim is not to let mum stand in any chook poo or they are out.

Cute little buggers but they never stop cherping, cherping, cherping.

Sadly Bubbles wasn't the best from the start and only survived a few nights. Em was attempting to feed her fresh worms from the garden. Speedy would gobble them all down if they where left out. Thankfully the kids are all over the circle of life theory after 2 years in Tonga. Bubbles is now resting peacefully in the garden by the water tank with the other 3 chickens that have sadly passed during our time here in Tonga.
(News flash: Lyndon is now as we speak burying Srawberry in said chicken grave yard as she too passed away last night 29/6/12)

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