Friday, June 29, 2012

OOL Mid term Awards/Talent night.

OOL high school held a Mid term talent quest and awards night at the Bahi hall. First up was the students acts everything from crew dancers, individual performances to magic acts. Once that was over it was time for the academic prize giving followed by a snack and then dancing the night away. 

This dance crew perform all over Tonga and are very impressive and hard to capture in a single shot. Dyl likes the more modern dance/hip hop.

Em's friend Fasi performed a few card tricks and balancing shows.

Em with some of her Form 1 mates. Alice (next to her) has just returned from NZ where she lives 6mths in each country.

Dylan assisted Fasi with some card tricks. Hoody and all.

Em was very excited when she picked up an award for the Best Junior in Social Science.

Then for Best Junior in Science, Computers, English.

Final award for the night Best Student for the whole Junior School (Form 1,2 and 3) Emily Quirke. Now she didn't get that from her father. $60 in prizes, she was wrapped.

The teachers saved their dance show till last, what a cracka the kids loved it."All the Singles Ladies" by Beyonce, with a little help from some Form 5 boys.

Em's was so proud of her achievements the first thing she did when she got home was laid them all out and took a photo. The only question now is will it last until the end of the year???

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