Saturday, June 23, 2012

EUA - Sunday Tours and our return.

Day two and we woke to improved weather, still a little damp but it never stops the kids. The main question was did Lyndon have enough dry gear packed for the weekend. Eva's kids tried to talk Em and Dyl into church but the cards turned quickly when we mentioned we wanted to do an island tour. Lyndon cooked up a storm for all the kids for breakfast followed by a late rise by Tony and then it was all kids to the truck and we were off. Tours this time around included the waterfall and the northern look out near the old Royal residence.

The kids first task for the day was to see how the cubby house held up to the tides and weather.
A little morning sand sculptures. Larisa made a great Tongan mermaid.

After building a bridge and with high tide washing underneath the kids found a great new game. All you have to do is hang on for your life............ cool.

Some creative photography on our island tour. Tony and I had the cabin to ourselves the monkies where all in the tray.

If your not living on the edge you are taking up too much room. This is the view from the old Royal residence at the northern end of Eua.

The view was simply hair raising hey girls?

The kids loved the red dirt cliffs but this stuff is like red paint and stained absolutely everything it touched.

On our way through the Pine forest Emily picked up a hitch hiker. If it was Jodie she would have jumped a mile.
Apparently wild pigs? Umm is there such a thing in Tonga?

Tongan snack anyone? We spotted a bush mandarine tree by the side of the road and parked under it. The kids stripped it clean in seconds.

Late lunch was a Tongan umu and some left over puwaka. Best of all it was followed up with some famous Quirke Chocolate fudge pudding. 

Afternoon tea and another tree ready for plundering.

After leaving the truck we had a 15min walk into the bush to find the Eua waterfall.

It was a tad chilly so the kids did some exploring up stream first.

On the return they found a natural water slide, if your butt is small enough to fit in the stream.

Em started a conga line with the other girls.

Chill factor ten. If Dyl could have walked on water I think he would have.

Em being the trusting sister went second. Tony and I stayed clear of this one.

Dyl enjoying the spoils of road side shopping. Yep we stopped at a few more mandarine trees on the way home.

Lyndon joined the monkies in the tray on the trip home.

The view from the top of the hill looking across the main town and back toward Tongatapu.

Our Sunday afternoon was spent back down the beach and as sunset began to disappear we went for a stroll.

Eventually we made the next resort "Hideaway" but due to the rising tide the girls decided we should take the bush track home.

One problem with bush tracks late in the arvo..... they get dark very quickly. After walking into a one spider web Dad was put out front and after he had nearly swallowed three big golden orb spiders he too was very glad to get back down the Tony's.

After an early night it was time to leave and get the kids to school. In true Tongan style our 8 minute flight was delayed 2 hours??????????? Only in Tonga, Em was stressed as she had big exams and only made it with minutes to spare. It was a little windy, OK very windy as you can tell by the fact that this photo was taken looking straight down the centre of the plane and look which way the runway is pointing. Possibly a good thing Jodie missed this flight but we did miss her very much.

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