Sunday, June 3, 2012

Back in the social swing of things.

Now that we are back and settled we have been very busy with multiple events and with this time of the year comes a few departures as well. We have grouped a few of these events together in an attempt to get back on top of the blog. First off the rank was a Garden Party for the Ladies of TWISC.
It all started out very civilised but that's about it.
The girls love to make the most of any chance to dress up and what would a Garden Party be without a little croquet.
A must at any Garden Party is colours and sunshine to enjoy the day. The girls had these both covered.
As usual Althea didn't disappoint with her enthusiasm.
No sheep stations but the pressure was at times intense, go Jenny don't miss.

All smiles after another successful TWISC function. It just happened we had Hash House Harriers that afternoon which ran past the Garden Party and some of the girls kicked on well into the night.
Next up was a surprise visit by Non Rugby John who returned to Tonga to participate in a Whale watching course that he helped organise before departing Tonga. Some people have all the luck so a BBQ and a catchup was needed.
As close as we could get to the Fab5 shame you weren't in town too Annie, Jen and Hannah. We miss you all.
Some quality Father & Son time was had this month. The weather has been rubbish for fishing but we did sneak out a couple of times and was rewarded with this nice double hook up.
Dyl's Wahoo weighed in at 9.1kgs his best fish yet and counted toward the end of season talley for the fishing comp. Lyndon had better be careful though as Dyl may over take him at this rate.

This family of piglets had the girls very excited as they had set up camp outside our house for a week but thankfully Pebbles from next door brings them back to reality as she is now after 10 months 100+kgs and a little pushy.
After our NZ visit Em has added another animal (KIWI) to her bed time collection. They all have a special order and Pooh Bear is still at the very top.
The next TWISC day was held at White Sands Resort but as it fell on a Bahi holiday the kids came along. Here is Dylan doing his Tongan version of Bondi rescue with his new mates Adrian & Stefan from South Africa.
Em found her own secret cove to make some Sand angels in.

The Bishop girls and Jen enjoyed a wine and picnic on the beach.

You have to Love Tonga were else can you take your kids to a night club for Dinner with friends. Siobahan, Althea and Jodie enjoying a wine before dinner.
Jodie and Althea decided to cut a rug on one of the bands very first songs nothing like getting in before all the kids hit the dance floor.

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