Sunday, June 3, 2012

Tonga Swimming Association First Meet

Tonga swimming has come to Tonga in force pushed mainly by a friend Ella (TASA sponsored Canadian) and supported by the larger Tongan community. There are only approx 7 swimming pools in Tonga so you need to think outside the box. We have now organised for squad and swim training inside the Navy base pond in exchange for swimming lessons for the sailors 3 days a week. Another added bonus is that it is exactly 50 m wide and we know what is in or under the water. The first competition for the new committee was held at the local rock pool as it was open to the public.

 The crowds began to muster under Rochelle's new sign.

 Sal led the competition with a quick prayer.

This was the starting blocks. The kids had to climb in on their bums due to the slime.

 The finish was 50m out and the lane ropes were tied off to a piece of 2x4" timber.

 Every age group was covered from young to old swimmers to never touched the water.

 Earlier in the month they even ran a train the trainer course so they all got a go with all the kids that turned out.

 Sal the Tongan torpedo.

 Em was an official time keeper for the entire day. She was on the mend from a cold and we weren't letting her in the water.

 No Tongan gathering is complete without a BBQ and Fahu was the Master Chef.

 Mu was the super fish and possibly could give dad a tip or two.

 Even Ella and Rochelle got to have a race. No one was safe.

 Ella presidentee. She put together a great day and deserves a medal for all her efforts towards making Tonga swimming self sustainable.

 Dyl swam in the freestyle and breaststroke races. Off and racing.

 All the way to the wall Dylan.

A sterling effort by the little man and a great finish to the day.

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