Saturday, June 9, 2012

Piani's Birthday Party

One of Em's best friends, Mu has just hit double digits. Mu celebrated her birthday with a Black and White themed party at home with friends and family. The girls did heaps of arts and craft, costume design, runway show and built their own pizza's.
 Rochelle gathers the girls outside for some art and craft.

 Rochelle made a Moo Cow cake for her little Frizz Bomb.

 The girls took over the lounge room as their change room for the show.

 Em hits the runway in her black and white creation.

 The girls pizza creations are ready for testing.

 Mu and Em ready to dish out some pain to the Moo cake.

 Our little princesses are all growing up and butter would melt in their mouths.

 This dancing and singing cow had everyone in stitches

 All the girls piled into the tray. What else do you do in the middle of winter in Tonga but head down to the wharf for a swim.

 While Sal had the girls down the American wharf the big girls celebrated child birthing day with Rochelle over a glass of bubbles.

All cleaned up with only the slightest of Blue lips.

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