Tuesday, June 5, 2012

DA's Housewarming and Rachel's Welcoming to the Team

The DA (Defence Attache South Pacific) Peter Steel and Wife Narelle decided to have a housewarming and welcoming of our newest member Rachel to the Defence team. The theme was "What ever you can buy locally for less than $20 pa'anga per person. Jodie found this easier than others with her years of marketi experience. There were some very interesting numbers getting around. Talking of round, the Kava bowl was also out for all to enjoy. We even had a few of the Canberra audit team with us.

 Peter is on a coconut diet so whatever you wanted to have as a mixer had to go into the coconut hole. Not an easy task but he has it down pat.

 The Quirke tribe in head to toe marketi, and with money left over we might add. Yes Dyl found himself a 3 piece suit at the marketi and no bribery was need for him to choose it either.

 Tiani and Ben mix up the Kava.

 Em recons her Fiji Kava is still No.1.........????

 Jodie got to have a cuddle of Tiani and Moti's newest addition, Benjamin.

 Thomas (Aust High Commissioner) was the surprise judge of the best dressed. Which Dyl was over the moon to take out followed by his beautiful mother.

 Jodie's first attempt at Tongan Kava. Down the hatch.

The face says it all. Lyndon and the boys can keep that one, Jodie will stick to bubbles.

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