Friday, June 29, 2012

OOL High School attend opening of Parlement celebrations.

With Emily now in Form 1, first year of high school in Tonga (and NZ) which means her form got to join in the opening ceremony for the opening of parliment. All the local high schools march into town then line the streets while the King drives past on his way to open parliment. The kids then fall in again and march past the Lords and Nobles before passing by parliment house, through the Royal Palace to see the King and Queen and finally around to the Kings church. Basically another day off school to march around the town centre.

Ocean of Light is one of the smaller high schools around town and the only international one.

With only days left in mourning period for the late King (the thombs are just behind this shot) the teachers all wore black and traditional dress.

The other schools are as bright as ever.

Fluro orange, I'd guess this colour has only been around a short period?

The more traditional GPS colours.

The OOL kids line the street as the new King drives by in Queen Salote's (his grand mothers) old London Taxi.

Em and her friends off on the lap of town. Very sun concious - No hats allowed.

The military band leading the procession.

Tupou High which is one of the best and largest local high schools.

Em is an easy pick in amoungst her mates.

As the march finished at the Kings church Jodie and Em decided to visit Sal's thong tree. It's in the hundreds now and still growing.

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