Friday, June 1, 2012

ANZAC Day 2012

Our last ANZAC Day dawn service in Tonga and with the New King Toupo VI. Being the first in the world to celebrate ANZAC day is a special thing this year we had quite a few new faces including the King, DASP (CMDR Peter Steel), MSA (LCDR Ben Esler) and TAM (CPO Dave George). On completion of the dawn service everyone was invited to the NZ residence for breakfast on the hill. A sort while after it was time to drop into the Women haters club (Nuku'alofa Club) for drink with the boys then Lyndon had a great idea, drinks back at our place for everyone interested or capable. In all a great day and thanks to the early start it was early to bed too.

 The King laid the first wreath on behalf of Tonga.

 Jodie had front and centre seats just behind the King.

 Lyndon's task this year was delivering the wreaths for the various country's.

 The DA and Lyndon saluting the King before marching off.

 Dave (Aust), JJ (NZ) and Seta (TDS) on each of the Nations flags.

 The centretaff as the sun came up at the end of the ceremonies.

 Another year and young Dylan sleeps in again.

 The Newest DCP Tonga team including the DASP (Defence Attache South Pacific)

 Our beautiful partners. Black is still the main colour due to the mourning period of the late King.

 Lyndon and Sal caught up under the half mast of the NZ flag.

 The boys all gathered at the Nuku'alofa club. An early start.

 For lunch we all moved on to our house, after a quick shift back into civvies, no dry cleaners here in Tonga.

 The girls waited patiently as we came home in dribs and drabs but emptied the Nuku'alofa club into our back yard in the process.

 The boys sharing the love.

 Bundy and Coke was the preferred poison for this years special occasion.

 Sal and Malikai were extremely chatty be early afternoon.

The crowd slowly thinned as the sun began to set but thanks everyone for making our last ANZAC day in Tonga one to remember.
Lest we forget!

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