Thursday, December 23, 2010

WOWS - Walk On Walk Strong

Saturday saw us participate in yet another community event this time the WOWS event so we turned up ready for a brisk family morning walk up what we call the "Esplanade". But to our surprise after a short walk the length of the fore shore we pulled off to the side and over to a big marquee where they had an entire days program running. After a chat with friends, sausage sizzle, some singing and face painting we had to walk back to the car and head off to tennis.

They love there "One off" supporter T-shirts here. The kids are building up an impressive wardrobe.

Em and the girls ready to hit the road after a quick prayer.

These boys were belting out a tune as we arrived.

Dyl and the boys took up the front mats to ensure they missed nothing.

Monara and the Fifita crew did some "On the spot" face painting.

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