Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wet Tuesday

Last Tuesday we had our first big wet for the season. We woke to the sound of rain and it didn't let up but by the time I returned home it was already filling our lane way then by early arvo the rain slowed and this was the result. Now that we have the pool table under the house we thought the kids may stay out of the rain. Oh how we were wrong.
Our little lane way beside the house was actually flowing.

The main road out the front we had a few breakdowns along this section.

Em and Toot's using Lyndon's new couples swing. This was the start of the wet play.

They then moved to the pool to cool off.

But the call of the puddle monster was too great. Georgia with some form.

Dyl practicing sliding into home.

Somewhere in all this is our little princess. Belly flop style.

NO snow so water angles was the order of the day. Tobby supervising of coarse in his back yard.

The three amigos. Smiles all round. After this a rooster got into Sam's yard so the kids chased him around in the water for a while too. With no luck, as they are sneaky buggers here because if they get caught they turn up next as dinner.

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