Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lukas's Baptism

The Quirke's hit yet another tongan church service this time it was a catholic church "The Basilica" for the Baptism of Nada and Mortan's youngest "Lukas Sione" yep a Tongan name and a Tongan Baptism to offically welcome the little fella. As this was a majoritly palangi doo we opted to turn up in western attire but to our surprise they were all dressed up in traditional Tongan. Which we had never seen them in before, Nada was more concerned she would look like a marsh mellow in her outfit.

Felix, Inas, Mortan, Nada and Lukas at the entrance to the church.

The entire tribe surrounded by the newly appointed god parents.

Lyndon thought the bowl look suspiciously like a kava bowl.

After the ceremony the priest invited the parents to place the children on the alter.

The Friday night service is dedicated to Baptism's, two other kids were also Baptised this night.

Our group in the centre of the church after the service.
Jodie finally go her hands on Lukas, at the dinner held in a restaurant below the church.

Mortan proving he can swing a Tongan fan just as well as he can dress as a Mexican.

Lukas in his oh so funky hat, possibly a French influence hay Nada?

When in Tonga no function is complete without a Tongan dance.

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