Sunday, December 19, 2010

Little Italy Friends & Community Xmas Party

At the end of the year a local restaurant 'Little Italy' throws a Christmas party for friends and their local community. Emily is in their daughters Sara's class so we thought it was a drop and go class party.......... how wrong where we. Mele her mum goes all out - all programmed too with a band, entertainment, Santa, heaps of lollies and food - their famous Pizza of course. Heaps of Tongan elves running around and everywhere decked out in Christmas decorations to finish off the Jolly atmosphere.
The view of the action and outdoor stage from across the road.

Some very big (and fit) Tongan elves. No need for security for Santa.

I wish we could say they were looking out for Santa but they were waiting for lollies and tinsel from the balcony. Spot the Ozzy.

Just a little contrast Santa with surf skis and coconut trees. Not to mention he got mugged by all the kids. (Lollies are sparce here due to there price so the kids are onto the Big man)

Jodie and Em making the most of the decorations.

Em's farewell to her teacher Mr Nick as he flew out the next night.

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