Friday, December 3, 2010

Odds and Ends from November

These are a mix of shots and little stories and events from November that haven't been big enough to make a lone entry. So here goes.
25th Nov saw Tonga have it's first election. Advertising was interesting from fliers, groups of people standing on the side of the road in candidates shirts and banners which in some cases covered entire buildings. We tried our best to get a photo of a local bus as they covered every window, yep including the entire front window in some circumstances. Just a slot for the driver to see through. As voting isn't compulsory they still haven't elected the new prime minister yet but some candidates got as few as 26 votes, that's not even an entire Tongan families vote.

One of the main buildings in town. Best of all after the elections if the posters aren't removed the candidates are fined. Similar to NZ rules.
Due to all the rain last weekend the girls came up with some interesting ideas. One was to assist Annie and John to put up their Christmas tree which included a sausage sizzle and drinks for dinner.
Everyone got in on the action. Lucky Annie had such a big tree which they brought from Cambodia.
Good work girls and the final product.
The boys have been getting into the golf this month but they seem to lose more and more balls every game from wayward shots so they came up with an interesting idea. A driving range to improve the swing. But as there are no driving ranges they decided to set up a personal driving range, with foam practice balls in the compound. Quiet a few off the balls ended up in the school grounds behind the shed, lucky the local kids liked throwing them back over.
Lyndon's form. Yep, video footage and stills where used to assist our technique.

Sam having a bash.

Even Dyl got into the game.
Only time will tell if it assisted or was it just another excuse for the boys to drink beers in the compound.

Sadly this could be it for Satisfaction. We took the boat out of the water this week to lock her up in the shed. Ever the professional sailors Sam and Lyndon still found the enthusiasm to give it the usual clean and gerny before she went away but no need for a fuel top up this time.

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