Friday, December 31, 2010

Tongatapu Xmas Parade

After our WOWS morning and Tennis, Em and Dyl were invited to join the Little Italy float during the Xmas parade through town. We thought it was a strange request but the kids were keen as mustard to join in the celebrations. We dropped them off and then headed into town to get a good spot to view from, we also noticed that they were the only Palangi kids in the parade but they had a ball throwing out lollies and all. A great way to build up the excitement for "Carols by the sea" that night and generally all the Christmas celebrations.

One of the floats full to the brim with Big Tongan Elves. Were else in the world can you still drive around the streets like this? Definitely not Oz anyway.

A sea of Red and Green must have been the theme.

As usual, you need a band - Topou High School.

It was soooo hot that a quick costume change was required to protect the kids from the sun.

Dyl opted for hitching a ride with the Christmas tree on the return trip.

Even the Tongan Santa had to hide from the sun. After the parade the kids all headed back to little Italy for Ice cream cones.

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