Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Girls 'Arts and Craft' Christmas Market Stall.

Every Wednesday for the last few months Em, Jess and Georgia go over to Naomi's to do art and craft. They created Christmas boxes, greeting cards, birthday cards and pom poms in the grand hope of making a motza at the Christmas market day. The girls have had a ball and with a little help from the mums and a massive effort from Naomi's mum Lola they ended up with a great little display and they even made some cash which they will no doubt spend ASAP.
Georgia, Naomi, Emily and Jessica.
The Christams boxes and cards.

Rochelle, Piani, Tomasi and Mosese with the beaded jewellry they made for their stall

Famous around this town are Linda O's Tongan dolls. All unique and almost all of our girls have one here. Many more have been sent offshore to nieces and nephews all over the world.

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