Friday, December 17, 2010

Anais - Wearable Art Birthday Party

Our friends, Dom and Hannah threw an all day wearable arts birthday party (workshop) for their daughter Anais 9th birthday. Then at the conclusion of the days events they would parade their creations. So Hannah came up with another wild idea, how about a 'Black Tie' function for the parents with the highlight of the night being the girls runway fashion show. The night included bubbles and nibblies, and even utilised the boys as waiters and MC's for their sisters. Us parents supplied plenty of flash action for the girls so they really felt like super models. Ruha and her sister Monara were in charge of the girls and assisted the girls all day with everything from picking each theme, researching it, creating the outfits and choreographing the dances and stage show. What an awesome night and everyone played their part from the adults to those (normally) evil little brothers. Once the show was over the girls had a sleep over but when we left they were all still on a high. It must have been a mad house trying to settle them. To top it all off the girls didn't even make it to school the next day making it a 2 day birthday party and heaps of fun.

Our hosts! Dom, Anais (front) and Hannah.

Who says you can't get dressed up in Tonga, for fun?

The women folk all frocked up.

Look out 007 here comes the Tongan Black Tie Tigers (and Lukas).

Mosesi was one of our best waiters in his Tupenu.

Naomi had all the moves on the runway to impress the crowds.

Em in her costume - inspiration - the ocean.

The entire crew! Emily- Sea Girl, Sara - Flower Power, Jessica - Venus, Milla - Seaweed Queen,
Genevieve - Eagle, Alice - 7 Headed Girl, Piani - Miss Shiny, Anais - Garden Mummy, Naomi - Queen Flower Peacock

Big hugs all round, what a great job. Monara and Ruha.

Our little Miss Sunshine.

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