Monday, December 13, 2010

It's Christmas time in the Quirke House

December has rolled around so fast this year and that also means we have nearly been here for 12 months already. How time flies when you are having fun. We'd decided early, possibly before we even arrived that we would spend our first Christmas in Tonga so Jodie had packed some decorations and our tree of some 14 odd years. With Christmas Carols blaring out of the surround sound, we made sure everyone in our village knew what we we're up to. The kids had a ball ripping everything out of the packing box and then decorating the tree. Georgia even joined in the fun. With the experience from Annie's tree decorating, the kids had it complete in what seemed like minutes.
From this! With no breakages thank God because there ain't much quality decorations in Tonga.

And a little bit of that!

For extra height - boxes of Gold, 4X Gold were utilised (but in disguise) under the red box.

Then you end up with THIS!!!!!

Em has broken away from tradition and even bought her own little tree for her room from the local Chinese shop.

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