Friday, December 3, 2010

The Kids Final Class Concerts

Over the last two weeks the kids have both performed their final class assembly concerts. Such a change from the beginning of the year when they stood back and didn't quiet understand. Now they are all over it like a fat kid on a smartie. They both love preparing props for the shows. Dyl even danced by himself (modern) and participated in all sections of his show, while Emily was her usual outgoing self - reminding people of their lines and pushing them all around the stage. She even pulled out the recorder (s) for a quick rendition of "Eye of the Tiger!" They both had a NZ theme this time around with Dyl doing the Haka and Em with her pois.

Em in full swing.

The girls performing the traditional dance.

Pois and Lyndon can't remember how many times he had to tie them back on during the week.

The whole class after the skit section.

Dyl half way through his Haka.

The cool dudes Dylan and Ualala.

No air guitar to be seen just wind instruments.

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