Thursday, November 18, 2010

Satisfaction Sleep over

With Monday being a public holiday and nice weather forecasted. Lyndon came up with another of his hair brained ideas. "Lets head out Sunday arvo in the boat for a sunset cruise then to go into anchor at Malinoa for the night!" So Jodie and the kids had their first ever 'waterbed' sleep over since we arrived in Tonga. After a short cruise outside the reef and we were even lucky enough to spot dolphins playing around the boat. Sorry no pic's as we weren't quick enough with the camera. We anchored just after sunset, so after a slow entry into the sheltered waters behind the island it was dinner and set up for bed. We enjoyed a million star movie night all set up on the back deck (bait board). Then it was bed time for everyone, Jodie opted for the outdoor bed and left Lyndon and the kids up in the front of the boat. The winds picked up during the night with a little rain thrown in too. Due to this quick weather change we dragged the anchor toward the reef. After a snappy boat move at 1am it was back to sleep. The kids never sturred. To our surprise sunrise brought with it a great day so after breaky and a clean up we headed out to sea for a fish.

An open water sunset minus the dolphins. Lesson learnt - get the camera out earlier next time.

Jodie in her best PJs setting up the surround sound.
Em was the first to crash, a cunning plan Lyndon found out later as she spread out and slept like a star fish all night.

Mum hit the hay (deck) and Dyl attempted to watch another movie.

After breaky we headed out to some nearby shoals and luckily enough we did pick up some reef fish.

Father and son wetting a line. Em continued to sleep all morning up the front.

After 18 hrs out on the boat the family was glad to step ashore at Pangi for a late lunch.

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