Monday, November 22, 2010

Possible Last run for "Satisfaction"

Recent events have possibly seen the loss of our beloved recreational boat, this is the same for all of the south pacific nations. Cut backs? So with the weather being windy, wet and generally miserable in town we did a ring around and took a group of friends out to Pangimotu for a day on the beach. Atleast we can all be in the same place being happy together. As we arrived at Pangi and turned back for a look, the heavens opened on the main land however, we spent the day in the sunshine tucked in behind the island out of the 30+ km winds. The kids had a ball as there where 17 of them in our group alone which also kept them out of the adults hair. A few of the mums have been learning a traditional Tongan dance, Ta'alonga, similar to the girls one from last month so after a little convincing they gave us a joint demo. Very impressive and in sinc too. Jodie and I even managed a walk around the entire island, OK it was only a 20 min walk or one casual beer. With the day over, with some people even managing to get sun burnt, we loaded up the boat and head back home. When we arrived back alongside at the Navy base it began to rain. It's amazing what a 10min boat ride can do.

The girls having a tea party on the beach.

Our personal dance show. What better stage than on an Island beach.

The kids transformed Clancy into a dolphin.

Emily and Necie had to go one better and did a mermaid with scales.

Turtle eggs anyone? They might be a bit sandy though.

Burgers and beers on the beach. Perfect as long as you don't mind warm beer and an 1.5 hr wait for the food. 'Timi faka Tonga'. Translation - Tongan time. (Why rush)

Tomasi broke his arm so the boys played in the shade. This table has some interesting bounces but at least it has a net, most in Tonga have a chunk of wood.

Our group minus a couple just before departure.
That night after Tennis lessons we headed home for an Ozzy BBQ at the bosses house for some friends Lola,Hero and Naomi who are from Japan and Uzbekistan (Russia somewhere). We supplied the Roo and Mark and Linda did the rest, also accompanied by Ozzy beer. We didn't tell their daughter Naomi about the Roo until she had tried some. After dinner we moved over to our house until midnight playing pool.
Our Ozzy BBQ spread.

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