Sunday, November 21, 2010

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day preparations started after the 11th with a Saturday lunch time practice followed by the actual official ceremony on Sunday. The TDS supplied the guard from both Navy and Army personnel and what Tongan ceremony isn't complete without a band? A last minute change saw the King unable to attend so the Princess came along as his representative. Sam and Ting raised the National flags and Lyndon was on wreath duty.

The mixed guard. We lost one sailor during the practice but they all stayed upright during the actual ceremony.

The ceremonial guns were tucked away across the road and scared the living hell out of everyone.

The Cenotaph guard and Princess during the 2minutes silence.

Tiny and Sam marching off after the National flags were raised.

The Princess laid the first wreath.

Lyndon on his way out with the Ozzy wreath.

Handing over to Mr Bruce Hunt (Australian High Commissioner Tonga).

A touch of brass work sets of the whole picture.

The Princess departing in the Royal mini van.

Jodie and I after the ceremony.

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