Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jewels of the South Pacific

Lyndon and the boys had a trade show on this week at the Tongan version of Bunnings 'PTH'. A good night was had by all. Yes there where some trade desks plus entertainment, a bar and door prizes. Lyndon picked up a 12Watt solar light system..... straight to the camping trailer with that one.

Auther, Wayne (PTH Boss and Sam
Friday night saw Emily's traditional dance troop put on a show for friends and family at the instructors house - Sissy (Cecilia) . The girls looked great performing their Talaonga dance. After the performance we all hung around and stayed for a BBQ . We could see Jodie's mind ticking over and now she has some grand ideas to incorporate the traditional Taupa into her Horse racing outfits. Bring on Melbourne Cup!

Our little Princesses.

Emily loves this outfit which a friend made for her.

Sissy did the same dance as the girls. She made it look so effortless.

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