Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sailing the High Seas

Saturday saw us get an invite out with friends on their actual sailing boat for a cruise around the inner reefs. The weather was perfect with 5-10 knots of wind and the kids were very excited being a new adventure and all. Marcus and his two boys Ned and Herb showed us the ropes. It was magic being able to talk as we sailed along at 6-8knots which made for a pleasant change from the roar of the diesel engine. Lyndon even took his turn at the tiller (wheel) while Jodie was on lifeguard duty with the kids on the front tramp. With favourable winds we ended up at Malinoa Island. Lyndon helped Marcus find a safe anchorage and then it was "All hands to baith". After jumping off the boats side a few million times and a quick swim it was time to head home with on a long reach. Hows that for sailor talk?

Marcus & Deb's Cat "AITA PE' A PE' A"

Lyndon having a drive.

Marcus with son Ned in one of his three hats for the day.

Jodie and Em relaxing at anchor on the front tramp. Malinoa in the background.

Herb is the perfect sailor, one sniff of the salt air and he was asleep.

Em and Ned in the cockpit.

Swim time. The bow made for a great place to jump off.

The Captains style. In cap number two for the day.

Paying the ferry man at the end of a great day.

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