Saturday, November 6, 2010

Maselino Finau's Baptism

On Sunday the 31st Oct we were all invited to the Baptism of our desk clerk Kalisitiane Finau (Christian in English or nickname Tiani) and his wife Motti second son Maselino Finau . We all got dressed up as requested - Tapanu for the boys (traditional skirt and mat) and the girls in dresses, yep even Em put a dress on for the occasion, which Jodie was over the moon about. Don't panic though both Em and Dyl had them off the minute we arrived at Tiani's house for a feed. The Baptism was part of the normal Sunday service and another family also had their child Baptised at the same time. After the service we all headed to Tiani's house for the feast. The spread was awesome puwaka, traditional Tongan, Chinese and seafood. Tiani and Motti even imported prawns from Sydney with a family friend. Magic, after so long with out a descent prawn and the Cray's where great too. The kids had a ball and the fluro green ice cream was a treat.

The Quirke and Finau tribes

Motti and Maselino during the service.

The proud Dad (Tiani) outside the service.

The Quirke tribe in our Tongan best. Yep, skirts all round.

The girls enjoying the feast, especially the seafood.

The fluro ice cream went down a treat with all the kids.

Handing the little fella around the rellies.

Even in Tonga the teenagers hang out away from the oldies.

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