Tuesday, May 15, 2012

NZ - Zorbing

Zorbing? Before heading on this trip Hannah sent us a few ideas and we were wondering what on earth has she got us doing. A quick google search and the kids were hooked. You roll down a big hill inside a plastic bubble (with or without water) how simple can it get???? We all headed over for a go, luckily they throw in some warm water so you don't have any control and don't get too chilly once you slide out. Pictures are worth a million words but video is even better as we found out after the three girls went down together. We gave Em the underwater camera and funniest home videos here we come. Jodie had to do the dry run, straight down, rolling over 19 times down the hill (strapped in), by the last 3 rolls she was saying "don't be sick, don't be sick". The kids loved it so much they had 2 goes at it.

 This is now how the Quirke's and Walton France's also roll.

 The Zorb's go up this way.

The kids and us went up this way. Nothing like a short 4WD adventure in the mud (because of course it was raining) to get you pumped up and ready.

 Then you all meet at the top and down you come either straight down, down the "S" bends or there is also a drop off down the back of the hill.

 Jodie and her bung toe had to go for the dry option and to her credit this is possibly the roughest as you are strapped in for the entire ride.

 Dyl was the first to hit the S bends and loved every minute of it.

 The girls went together and backwards but also had the video camera but due to our slow down load speeds that one won't make this Blog.

Lyndon being reborn after a rough ride down the S's and jumping the rail into the straight run. What a ball.

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