Tuesday, May 22, 2012

NZ - Wellington

This was our first view of the Bay of Plenty as we came over the hills from Upper Hutt toward the Walton-Frances house down on the coast line at Petone. They have a great little place right in the middle of town and only minutes from the city. Our stay here was now one night shorter and we had the Graham's, Lyndons cousin Karla and Rosie dropping around for a BBQ. It was a great chance to catch up and for the boys to stand around the BBQ in the freezing weather all rugged up, bar Tiny, who decided it was still T-shirt weather. Mad Bloody Kiwi!!

The view as we came over the hill. Now which village do you live in Dom? Just follow us oh and don't get lost.
The girls all together again after nearly two years for Rosie.

The kids hit it off like they were all back in Tonga still and they all ate like they were Tongans.
The Tiny and Quirke tribe reunion, Dylan was already in bed and Jordon was off at Army camp.
These boys have obviously been back far too long as it was bloody freezing. Nice military hair cut Darcy. Tiny must be so proud. One in, one out - Enjoy your last days in the NZ Army Tiny and we're sorry we can't make it back for your discharge parties.

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