Saturday, May 19, 2012

NZ - Fly Fishing

Being in NZ and with fishing in our blood what else could Dyl and Lyndon do but give fly fishing a bash. After a few calls we were booked in with "Fishy Steve", an American who moved here many years ago and put simply is in love with fly fishing and sharing the experiences. He has his own young kids so I thought it would be a safe bet that he would do a good job taking Dyl through the basics. I may have caught the first rainbow trout but that was where it stopped. Dyl came into his own landing both a legal size Brown trout and Rainbow trout. It was a great father and son day.

 With water temps in the single digits, water waders and booties are a must.

 Follow the leader and Steve lead the way into the back country rivers.

 Our first stop was a nice open corner to start off with some basics.

 A few casts into it Lyndon is on.

 Not a monster by any means but it is my first NZ trout.

 Another part of trout fishing Dyl really loved was the sneaking up on the fish. Over here Dad!

 Dyl and Steve with his first Brown trout.

 Dyl's money shot for the front cover of some fly fishing Mag or Steve's Face Book advertising.

 Our next spot needed a little more help from Steve to rescue us from catching too many trees. Both in the creek and behind us.

 Hey Dad was yours this big? Dyl and his rainbow trout.

What a magical day, Father and Son fly fishing NZ - tick.

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