Saturday, May 12, 2012

NZ - Rotorua

Rotorua was our meeting place to catch up with the Walton-France's - Hannah, Dom and the kids, as they also joined us for the remainder of the road trip. The weather here turned pretty miserable or you could say as expected with a very nice chill in the air. Some of our adventures in Rotorua included Zorbing, luging, naturally heated springs, mountain biking and Te Puia, the local cultural museum. The kids will never forget the stink of the geysers which was just around the corner from our accommodation. It is burnt into their noses for the remainder of their lives.

 Our Buggy for the week and the little shack behind us was our accommodation. Common amenities was not so flash noting the rain and cold weather.

 The girls were so excited to see each other and little Eve is not so little any more.

 At least Jodie's crutches came in handy for Dom and Lyndon to recover the footy from on top of the hedge.

 We took both tribes and visited the heated pools before dinner one night. Dom and Hannah looked more at home than us but we may still be spoilt with our Tongan temps.

 The girls enjoying the city lights as we headed up the gondola to the Skyline restaurant overlooking Rotorua.

Jodie enjoying a non Tongan buffet and good wine. Desert was the real treat, one of each was requested and devoured by the kids. We weren't far behind either.

1 comment:

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