Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Zealand - Thanks for the memories.

After such a wonderful adventure with our friends from Tonga and enjoying all that the Northern Island had to offer, (well what we could squeeze in anyway)`it was time to jump on the ALL BLACKS plane and make our way back to Auckland for the night before heading home. We also managed to get in some last minute shopping before jumping the red eye the following morning.

 Dyl with his squashed Kiwi dollar and the ALL BLACKS plane from the world rugby cup.

 Em squeezing in her last Donut King treats for breakfast. Can't get these back home.

 Jodie was running on empty after an afternoon of last minute shopping near the Auckland airport so she slept while the rest of us enjoyed in house movies.

 You know your fun is over when you get home and all that is left is to unpack the luggage.

 Em had left herself an Easter egg surprise to unpack so apparently she couldn't help unpack the bags.

No holiday is complete until you catch up with friends over a few wines and have a debrief. Yep we're home and back to the 5 Fines.

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