Saturday, May 12, 2012

NZ - Waitomo

The Quirke Tribe hit New Zealand. After a late arrival into Auckland and a sleep over at Lyndon's auntie Elwyn's place we were up early the next morning to go to the Doctors. Both the kids needed antibiotics and Jodie for her sliced toe, yep not the best way to kick start the holiday but everyone was now on the mend. After lunch we headed to Waitomo to see the famous Glow worm caves. The kids loved the country drive and with no Navman it proved an entertaining drive at times and after a few wrong turns we made it.
This shot is looking down the main street, a typical little backwater town with one pub.

This was our little bungalow for the night.

After sitting in a car for 3 plus hours the kids made a "V" line for the play gym. 
The girls in heaven, Jodie with a today's newspaper and Em found a bucket of hot chocolate.
The kids were impressed with all of Mu's cousins They have never seen so many milking cows in their lives.

We even came across an Ostrich farm.

It seemed we found our goal for the road trip, trying out every playground we pass.

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