Monday, May 7, 2012

The McKee's & O'DD depart Tonga.

Another one bites the dust.... another valued member of the FAB 5 team has departed Tonga, (leaving only the Terrific 2 still standing - Rochelle and Jodie).  Jennifer (A.K.A. O'DD) and her family have left to go back to Sydney now that John's contract with the Tongan Rugby Union for the World Cup is over.  Our lovely Irish lass had no clue as to what was going on, as one by one, everyone rocked up in something green as a tribute to her.  Once the third family arrived in green she finally clued on but was cranky she didn't know about it so she could join in too.  Too late to change outfits she says, as her green clothes were already packed away.  We had a great night reliving old times and having a drink for the friends that had left Tonga already.  Jodie misses Jen everyday, not only because they were always having lunch or coffee but because they were running buddies after dropping the kids at school each morning.  Due to lack of enthausium and no guilt of letting anyone down, Jodie has not been running since Jen left, something that must be reinstated ASAP. 

Sal, Paul, Rochelle, Lyndon and Steve

Tori, Jen, Jodie, Karen and Jenny

Tropical table decorations

The boys just hangin out

Ava, Em and Mu

Aye.. to be sure, to be sure!!

Slauncher Jen!

At the end of all our get togethers, the kids put on a floor show and tonight was no exception, the eager adult crowd awaits.

Here's to the McKee's

Jodie, Jen, Rochelle and Dee

Farewell dear friend, see you in Sydney

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