Monday, March 5, 2012

SURVIVOR MALINOA ISLAND - Dylan's 10th Bithday.

We finally had the perfect weekend forecasted so preparations were in full swing for Dylan's 10th birthday party "Survivor Malinoa Island". We'd been dreaming this one up for some time so Dyl new exactly who he was inviting. We also organised with Mal our neighbour to utilise his boat for the day. The departure point was down at the Navy base, for an 0800 start and NO other details were given out. The following pictures highlight just some of the fun we had. With Sunday being D day we only had Saturday to finish off prep's and for Jodie to put the final touches on his Aquarium cake.

 The final product, sadly it stood no chance of surviving the day out in the boat so......

 Cake on the wharf at 8am was just what growing boys wanted.

 With the cake destroyed, it was time to pick some teams and issue out the team head bandanas. Blue and Red then a quick pose for a survivor photo.

 The teams split into two and we headed out on our separate boats. Red with BLAH BLAH and Blue with Mal on STRIPER. (Yes no spell check needed, there isn't a second "P" in the name)

 As soon as we arrived it was time to unload the boats and hear what the team names were. Red - RED OPS and Blue - CRAZY CRUSHERS.

 First game was "Rescue Beacon" the boys had to find 6 items weighted down out in the lagoon then once they had found all of them they could take three items with them to assist them in the next section.

 Sal was one official and Mal the other. Once all six items had been retrieved it was off to stage two.

 Part two include two parts the tallest sand section and the tallest beacon in total. Crazy Crushers won this task.

 Next game was "Shanghai Shooting" what boys don't love to shoot marbles at targets? This was the practice target so we could all get our eye in.

 Even Sal and Mal got in on this game to give each team a chance at bonus points.

 The birthday boy showing off his aim. This one was easy, 2 points for the centre and 1 for the next ring and squat for anything else. Sorry boys no shooting the wild life. This event ended in a tie.

 Next game was " Rainbow Treasure Hunt" each team had 30 min to explore the Island and come back with as many matching items of the twelve colours from their colour chart. Very close purple was a little difficult and hence another tie.

 Lunch was free time for the teams and time for Lyndon to cook up 60 sausages for the troops.

 Let the feasting begin. Not one hot dog survived.

 More swim time and how clear is the water. If I wasn't so busy setting up each event I too would have been in there.

 Giving out the instructions for the next event " Water Rescue" Again find the weighted down coconut halves then use them to fill a 10ltr bucket. Did I mention someone had drilled holes in the coconuts.

 Red Ops were going strong until Tomasi realised you could use your mouth to carry water too.

 Winners Crazy Crushers!

 Next game was "Sock Bombs" Your team filled your sock with sand while you do 10 spins with the net, then all you have to do is run up the beach grab the sock and throw it at the bucket. Simple enough. No one got one in, not even Sal who struggled the most with the spins but was very funny.

Blaise had a great footy pass going which may have helped Red Ops to a win.

 We had the Malinoa force field up, as it looked like it was raining back in town but the water was the main attraction for the boys.

 Next Event was the "Survivor Combo Race" a One on One event. First was swim out collect a sunken paddle then race down the beach.

 Shoot two targets with the Shanghai then move on again.

 Next was the sock bombs minus the spinning. Still no direct hits?

 Then finally sprint to the end of the island to collect the Tongan flag. Red Ops came up with a win in the final race.

 The final event was the "Hermit Crab races" They had 10 minutes to find the fastest two crabs on the Island. Red Ops came back with two crabs. Crazy Crushers came back with a hand full and had their own qualifying race before the big event. This theory paid off in the end with them winning the final event.

 With everyone a winner, the Survivor's from the day all received a Tongan bone hook necklace to remember the day by.

 For the ride home we swapped boats so every one got a go in Mal's speed boat.

Finally, with all the kids home safe and sound it was off to the Fishing club for a parents debrief.

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