Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Boot Camp crew.

Here it is, our second last training session with Shayne at his version of Boot Camp. This was Jodie's idea to prepare herself for the Auckland Horse races and to make sure she would get out of bed at 0525 three days a week I decided to come along. There were a few rules - no talking until we get out of the car, no swearing, we train - rain - hale or shine. Sadly we started in the cyclone season and only missed one day due to cyclone Jasmine but the rest of the sessions were usually in the rain. Not so bad toward the end of the circuits but down right rude at the start. Shayne was great and we are already very keen to keep it going in his next session.
 Jodie mixing it up in the shuttle runs.

 Most mornings we started in the dark but by the end it was usually daylight. Who knew Jodie could still skip?

 Every ones favourite time "Ab-ssey's" 100 crunches

 100 cycles.

Bum's down - planks. Now lets see how good that new dress will look in Auckland.

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