Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Little Surprises in Tonga.

Some times it's the smallest things that may pleasantly surprise you in life. This week we've had a few at our place. For the last week we've been trying to find were our chooks have been laying eggs. Then one day while Lyndon was walking out to the compound he was dive bombed by one of the chooks. The next thing was the completion of our main bathroom after 4 weeks, how nice it is to share a ensuite with only your wife again. Then finally while at the marketi Dylan was recalling his fishing adventures and the time we ate so many mud crabs on our Cape York adventure so... a quick divert to the fish marketi and there was a bag of mud crabs, sweet.
 This is the kids cubby house still standing after several cyclones but look carefully into the play area.

 The chooks have been laying in the Y of the tree, hence the dive bombing chooks. Obviously the kids haven't been up there for a while.

 Em breaking in our new bathroom and not soon enough for mum and dad. The boys did a great job too.

 Dylan's find at the marketi and they were even alive. About $27 bucks Aust for a basket of 5. Not that they were all of legal size, and sadly, mostly female.

Dylan took his share of cooked claws, while Jodie and I celebrated Valentines dinner with chilly mud crab and bubbles out on our veranda. Belated due to cyclone Jasmine visiting on that actual day.

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